Wild Herb Liqueur
As mother nature yawns from her annual slumber, the leaves unfurl into a verdant cacophony of tender shoots and buds. The air becomes tainted with the scent of new beginnings that waft on the spring zephyr.
At this time, I am at my most alert. Walking within nature, eyes wide to espy all that is edible. Wild herbs are abundant, not only out and about but in the garden. Bay, dandelion, chickweed, and pineapple weed are common garden herbs, whilst in the northern Hemisphere you can find treasures such as wild fennel and chamomile.
Learn what is prevalent around you and use what you desire, you have the earth at your fingertips. This year gorse flowers were abound, the most fragrant coconutty waft, absolutely stunning in this liqueur.
A day spent foraging and sorting, food for the soul….
The only downside is the wait, flavours need time to develop…