Blood Orange, Black Sesame & Hogweed Cake

‘I peeled my orange that was so bright against the grey that from some distance someone might have thought I was making fire in my hands.’ Gary Soto

Winter Citrus, a metaphorical fire for the soul, a belief that the Hunger Gap is losing its grip on the land, and it will bear its rainbow of fruits once again.

The cake epitomises all that is good in Winter Citrus. Tart & Tangy but retaining a connection to earth through the nutty undernotes of Black Sesame and Hogweed. Hogweed seeds can be harvested In Autumn and left to desiccate naturally. Try it this year, in the meantime, substitute with seeds of your choice ground to a powder.

Adapted from Claudia Rodin

blood orange cake, candied oranges, whole fruit cake, hogweed recipes, cake recipe, upside down cake
Yield: 8-10
Blood Orange, Black Sesame & Hogweed Cake

Blood Orange, Black Sesame & Hogweed Cake

Prep time: 45 MinTotal time: 45 Min
The cake epitomises all that is good in Winter Citrus. Tart & Tangy but retaining a connection to earth through the nutty undernotes of Black Sesame and Hogweed. Hogweed seeds can be harvested In Autumn and left to desiccate naturally. Try it this year, in the meantime, substitute with seeds of your choice ground to a powder.


For the Cake
Candied Oranges


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